Archive | Liposuction

Unwanted Fat, Meet Suction

As the average American becomes larger, it quickly becomes evident that it was far easier to put the weight on than to take it off. While it comes down to simple arithmetic — more calories burned than consumed = weight loss — it’s just not that simple for most people. Hence the growing demand for […]

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Neck Lift Surgery Little Silver, NJ

Three Ways to Address Those Jowls

As we get older one thing is pretty much universal — we all have some degree of loose sagging skin under our chin. The dreaded jowls. Just about everyone has this problem and it is universally despised. But Dr. Hetzler has three options for getting rid of your double chin: Kybella, CoolMini, or liposuction. Kybella […]

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Liposuction Little Silver, NJ

Stubborn Fat Deserves No Quarter

Every year in cosmetic surgery statistics, liposuction is one of the most popular procedures. Why? Because Americans seem to be having a harder and harder time saying no to the latest Monster Burger and a family-size bag of chips. And, especially as you age, the fat you put on is harder and harder to get […]

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Different Liposuction Techniques

When liposuction was first introduced in the United States in the 1980s it was a fairly traumatic procedure for the tissues involved. The cannulas that were inserted were quite a bit larger than those used today, and they were moved back and forth quite violently under the skin to break loose the fat cells that […]

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Changing Techniques in Liposuction

Everyone, even the skinniest of supermodels, has pockets of fat that don’t respond to diet and exercise. Certain areas of the human body simply seem to inhibit getting to these pockets of fat. Fortunately, liposuction was developed to remove those pockets of fat. Most people are at least somewhat familiar with the procedure. But different […]

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