Archive | October, 2015

sunscreen protection

Beating the Burn — Understanding Sunscreen

Living in New Jersey with so much time spent at the shore, we’re all exposed to a lot of sun. The sun’s ultraviolet rays are the culprits, penetrating the skin and damaged its cells, leading to skin aging and wrinkling, and various skin cancers. We all know that the best thing would be to never […]

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ear surgery

Get Those Ears Pinned to Stem the Teasing

Kids can be relentless, especially when they settle onto an unusual condition in the appearance of another kid. This is especially true with protruding ears. Comments such as “satellite ears” or “Dumbo ears” can really impact the self-esteem of a child or young adult. But it doesn’t have to. Otoplasty, commonly known as ear surgery, […]

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